Mylee Grace

MYLEE GRACE EATON was born on August 14, 2006 and was diagnosed with Chiari I Malformation at age five months. In January of 2008, she had decompression surgery three days after placement of a gastric tube for feeding as she had a condition called severe dysphagia, the aspiration of liquids into the lungs.
In July 2009, atrophy was found in Mylee’s cerebellum and doctors are now sure that some of her symptoms were not due to Chiari. Surgeries and test became the norm for Mylee as one hurdle after another developed in Mylee’s parents path to provide a safe and happy life for Mylee and her baby sister Khloe.
In December 2010- a clinical diagnosis of Mitochondrial Disease and in 2011, progression of the disease had become significant. Mylee’s parents, Sara and Dave were given the devasting news that Mylee’s life expectancy would be much shorter than anticipated and Mylee was placed on a palliative care plan. January 2012 and the ensuing months brought more challenges as the disease progressed causing a likely metabolic crash.

On June 21, 2012, MYLEE GRACE, Our Warrior Princess, flew to Heaven wearing Beautiful Butterfly Wings. Our deepest sorrow to her family and friends, those who knew her personally and those who met Mylee through, the compassionate website that heals by online communication. Many thanks to Sara,Dave and Khloe for sharing Mylee’s life of love and courage with the world. We are blessed to have shared her sweet, sweet smile!

A research fund has been established by Mylee’s parents, Sara and Dave Eaton at

1 Response to Mylee Grace

  1. For more information re: MYLEE, please see our blogroll, “NEVER GIVE UP” !
    (This was one of the most difficult posts I have ever written- cannot imagine the courage, faith and love of this family and the many others that face unbelievable odds yet persevere for their children.)
    With love,


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